Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hang Seng Trading Hours

RecentChanges @ 2009-08-15T16: 32:00

Not Harry Potter and not Hannah's book on self-healing, which I started to read both and grab me right now, but much more 'life, it's worth it', a book on the question of the meaning of life. As Ania has given me the book, I was suspicious and did not really read it directly, but then I started and can not stop since then.
the moment I find it interesting to liaise with the themes of faith, God, religion and the church apart, which is surely the fact that I have some friends, for these issues a large Role to play in their lives. I'm not baptized, can count on two hands check out my church and never had the need to change anything. What I've always been interested in fact, is to think about how it has actually started with us all. I think that everyone is doing and all happened the same: one can not continue because there is no evidence because there are only theories, which by good and bad arguments can convince accordingly. Some people have just decided to believe that God is the Creator, that He has created us all, he the 'father' is. Whether to pursue this theory, I do not know - every time I think about how the world really has come to turn my thoughts, I come to a decision and keep open to me in what I believe should. I think both Darwin's theory and can be persuasive of the Creator God.

I'm talking right now happy with others about this topic, I already know a lot of different views (very funny, to talk with absolute atheists They want to convert me directly: D). No one can convince me - I will stop in between. The idea of believing in a god, I find beautiful. I do not exclude that there is one, I do not agree, but I admire the people that God is the top priority. It must be great to know for sure that there is someone who is always there for you, for you are valuable, just up the deals that you forgive your mistakes, which you can trust, but who loves you above all. Just as you are. It is fascinating that some people can solve any problem with the help of God, their faith will strengthen them again and again is a new energy, helping to find solutions. Yes, that's impressive, but I do not have as easily to the conviction. The stories that were told by Summrride are great - that seems to be a truly unique experience that brings one further in life.
I for my part, this idea of it: At some point it happened, that all men know at once how everything was created, what is the origin. No matter how they experience it, whether by an overpowering force, whether by messenger, whether through science - everyone knows everything! Then there is a bang and the world begins again from scratch, until re-created this time that everyone know everything: D

The issue for me is far from over. I keep thinking about it, Anja's book on reading and then we'll see. I will certainly not orthodox, I can not imagine. But this debate, everyone should have once made - or I can remove any that he is a convinced atheist:)

So, that was then time my word for Sunday: D


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