Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clear Bug With Black Dot In The Middle


First: I AM going to the concert DEATHSTARS Yaaaaaaaay! Found a victim harharhar ... No he is as excited as I am XD
Gonna see them live for the first time, Whiplasher, Skinny Cat, Nightmare Industries aaand of course Bone W Machine ... no I am not gonna forget the >__>'''.... drummer and I really like skinny even if he's not that one of a good looking..nooo bass is cool!! Oh and who can withstand Whiplasher and Cat....dunno....but YAAAAy

Ok. So here are the promised pics of my girl, especially for v6daisuki who asked for them ^-^. First one not so good photo then the better one XP.

The red hair HAD to be XDD. I love the wig, you can do literally anything with it - er..any hairdo.. of course -___- Still experimenting though.

(Nearly bought another one..doll I mean..smaller size. Had to stop myself and distract me with somethin. Watched GORMENGHAST, Steerpike is sooo sexy XDD but the scene with the flute yknow that was unnecessary. I mean where did he get the flute? Since when can he play it? And why would he anyway...THE evil in gormenghast sitting on a bench playing the flute with a monkey on his shoulder??? JUST BECAUSE, and then goes away.....O-o NO MEANS no... ) Well, I guess they had time left? But there would have been muuch better things to do. More important ones..like heretically changing the end of the story and give steerpike the power to kill that stupid Titus and rule over Gormenghast, that would have been fair. He did work so hard for it after all.. T^T

"Anyway HUMANZZZZ are baaad GIR. We will kill them all and destroy the whole worthless planet EARTH to show the Biggest Ones that they made the rright choice in leaving this IMPORTANT and SECRET quest with ME: ZIM THE -- wait what would sound good......?"


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