Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ocean Potion Ever Glow

Do your mouth for the dumb, and the cause of all who are left.

This was My confirmation verse. And that was also about the last thing I heard in the church. Although I was after my confirmation (probably the only one, if I dutiful Christmas goers not count), although two or three times again in the church, but could not get used to place and thing.
That may firstly be because the pastor was a hopeless sleeping pill (after the first year confirmation class is a great pastor, was with the already teaching my mother retired, and a new and just as unmotivated as young pastor be shifted downwards), and secondly because the church apart from five pensioners who feared for their salvation, or that of her deceased husband, or her deceased spouse, and a handful of bored confirmation was nearly empty.
fascinate almost empty churches me actually. But then these are primarily Catholic, and especially those in which there is no service at the moment.
quite different now. Instead of ugly Protestant village church is the center of the action of the Hall of the ESG-building, in the present or drink wicker chairs and glass tables with a wonderful atmosphere to the coffee.
The chair (much more comfortable than pews) are elliptical shape around the makeshift, very simple but beautifully decorated "altar" (which is actually three small tables aneinenadergeschobene) are ranked. A red table cloth, a long white silk scarf around a creative bunch Tulips and countless small candle draped. Simply beautiful.
The student pastor speaks as he is minded to speak, in general, of borders and border crossings, and throws some carefully metered passages and thoughts a famous philosopher.
For the musical accompaniment is present a fantastic singer, not just their own psalms maintains several languages, but also for us to sing some really nice songs.
The service sounds with pasta and vegetable sauce to room pubs.
And although services are also not continue to be my passion, and I prefer myself spiritual will, the evening was really successful.


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