Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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bright spots

Maybe, just maybe I have the death examination at the end of the political speech seminar did not write .... That would be the performance records of Linguistics.
But my teacher when I use the Turkish-language courses have been added to me as I understand proof of performance ticking
... I think. I do not, however, looks like a certificate of attendance, because I've done so far only the two basic courses (where you write anyway ne exam) and a literature seminar with proof of performance.

But in theory sees in the module directory like this: pure
I read the name of the event, the teacher checked "condition shall be fulfilled", and then there under there still ne line 'service provision by ...." and my teacher has since checked now written exam and behind the note.
The literature teacher has marked as "other" and no grade behind written because it has not yet corrected the housework. But on the other, making the detection of Participation, it has since checked nothing ....

I do not know. But I have no notion about who can I turn to, without that it seems obvious. The teacher said that is initially time you could make only a certificate of attendance. But she has something else (perhaps accidentally) ticked. I want it to her so do not go again;)
But I'm also afraid that my behind will not be recognized.
Does anyone have an idea?

My roommate can study the way on. She had to pay ne penalty, and was directly rewritten:)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mucous Before Period Should Be

Hello Mr Roosevelt

I hate speeches. And much more I hate presentations on topics that do not interest me.
And most of all would I like to strangle the people who assured me that the second semester would be looser than the first. On his advice, I have indeed chosen more courses. Stupid mistake! Now I have exams almost every week a presentation on the neck and whole bunch of NEN. The first day I
have already written, in a seminar that "political speech" means. Only 3 short exams of 45 minutes to get to the end of a semester behind in this seminar, and because so beautiful was a really thick then again three hours.

Until next Tuesday I have to hold a presentation on the good Mr. Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt understood. The one with the New Deal.
However, I have the theme "Great Depression" gotten. And these nasty depression himself was not even much Roosevelt with the good Lord, but much more to do with Mr. Hoover. Whatever the case, 20 minutes, I can hardly talk about it. I understand the full economic background factors, not even in German. Still less can I understand it somehow expressed in English.

I've just now got like a snow queen!
A girl who has also studied English and just ne lecture together with me had asked What if I already intend on Wednesday. Rent your dancing, not in May, but there is music and games NEN and raclette evening and I'm invited:)
For me the class. I do like to get to know me, so always a bit difficult for people.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

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My roommate was standing in my door and I held out NEN letter because she was afraid to understand it wrong.
She was expelled because she forgot to report back during the holidays.
Sowa annoying. I'm totally sorry for you. But what you can do because I do not know. I've advised her to go to the admissions office tomorrow. And since most of Beuftragten for foreign students. Maybe can they still cut out because of language problems, and understand words, or something. As more of an eye is again pressed shut.
I hope so much that it works yet. Otherwise, they lose not only their place of study, but also a place here in the dorm.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Planner I Can Type In

madita20 @ 2008-04-26T15: 11:00

I have a new roommate. His name is Billy, with all my books and it cost only 35 €;)

Said eliminated Billy shelving so finally the ever-pervasive chaos in my room.

The bread is the way, have fallen apart. It was probably due to the fact that I have kneaded the dough by hand, and secondly to the fact that I forgot that bread on top and bottom heat takes longer than in a convection oven.
Shit happens, now I'm holding bread crumbs.
My lunch was right for this sensational. I have for the first time in my life homemade fresh spinach. Me today at the market so much agelacht that I have taken it easy times. In the market anyway I could always spend so much money ... My refrigerator is unfortunately not large enough times for it.

Last night I was sitting with my roommate and her best friend (both Vietnamese exchange students) in our living room. The girlfriend of another housemate, and later he was even still in the process. We drank wine, ate, and much Gredet nonsense. Gradually, therefore, also provides us with the WG-life.

Today is a party in 19th WG I will go there, I hope to learn soon time to meet more people from my dorm.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Jelly Discharge Could I Be Pregnant

of poets and thinkers

I come straight from school and sensational am mood. I was able to conduct a class German classes:)

8th Class, middle school, about poetry. I'm actually a whole week as I pondered desperately these children could somehow bring about this terrible close. I poems in the school even more terrible was the thing that is unfortunately not making much easier.

Last night I still think not with my mother a bottle of champagne available Hours initial discussion, and because they do not believe me wanted me the poem I with 14 holiday in the youth (to impress just about a 21-year-old team, the great Heinz Erhardt was fan) learned by heart still dominated. So I've
fervently "The Made" recited, and even while speaking, I was clearly "yes logically, I do that tomorrow." It

its effect has not failed. The children were first confused because at one time standing around because the stupid intern and performs to it all, even facial expression and gesture Reich Iren your rhyming nonsense.
some very smart child but then noticed something. At least the hats called pure question "Let's make today about poetry?" suggest, has become)

have Next, I have some more poems Heinz Erhardt (of which I mitlerweile also a medium sized fan) am dealt, and made the comment to which I have so hoped very much after the poems were read, ; not wait long in coming. "Hey are so totally stupid!"
How stupid because, Mohammed?
"Yes ey are so not funny. They're full of shit."
perfect template.
"Then I'll give you the opportunity now to do better."

as had the poor students in groups of two different poems theme, which I had thought before, write. The aim was that a first line imagines, and the partner the next. Then change to make it not always the same dirty work needs. Afterwards
were the poems, not as many gestures as I have presented the set, but still presented very committed. Or vorgerappt.

My favorite I would like to perpetuate here:

"Once upon a pair of underpants
you stank like a bean tin
If he was on the toilet, it smelled wonderful

Otherwise, I bake bread just sensational. If it should actually taste (I'm just times at random flour, yeast, water and a few other things mixed), then write your ego after.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Toothache With Nausea And Dizziness

short detour to lj

only to discuss the situation: We live

wg-is restored to some extend. We ate home-baked cakes, and much grumbling very much. And finally, hats of moonshine, which has brought the father of a roommate during his visit 2 weeks ago from the Ukraine cemented;)

Now I burn while the esophagus and the stomach, but the value songwriter;)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ocean Potion Ever Glow

Do your mouth for the dumb, and the cause of all who are left.

This was My confirmation verse. And that was also about the last thing I heard in the church. Although I was after my confirmation (probably the only one, if I dutiful Christmas goers not count), although two or three times again in the church, but could not get used to place and thing.
That may firstly be because the pastor was a hopeless sleeping pill (after the first year confirmation class is a great pastor, was with the already teaching my mother retired, and a new and just as unmotivated as young pastor be shifted downwards), and secondly because the church apart from five pensioners who feared for their salvation, or that of her deceased husband, or her deceased spouse, and a handful of bored confirmation was nearly empty.
fascinate almost empty churches me actually. But then these are primarily Catholic, and especially those in which there is no service at the moment.
quite different now. Instead of ugly Protestant village church is the center of the action of the Hall of the ESG-building, in the present or drink wicker chairs and glass tables with a wonderful atmosphere to the coffee.
The chair (much more comfortable than pews) are elliptical shape around the makeshift, very simple but beautifully decorated "altar" (which is actually three small tables aneinenadergeschobene) are ranked. A red table cloth, a long white silk scarf around a creative bunch Tulips and countless small candle draped. Simply beautiful.
The student pastor speaks as he is minded to speak, in general, of borders and border crossings, and throws some carefully metered passages and thoughts a famous philosopher.
For the musical accompaniment is present a fantastic singer, not just their own psalms maintains several languages, but also for us to sing some really nice songs.
The service sounds with pasta and vegetable sauce to room pubs.
And although services are also not continue to be my passion, and I prefer myself spiritual will, the evening was really successful.

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my foot jump

How creative I actually always getting caught up in strange things?
My intention was to meet people from my dorm. Instead, I have (angeschikkert of sparkling wine) can bring to the student pastor permanent member of the worship team to be. More specifically, I said to the cook Zivi together the food for the congregation.
And in a half hour.
Well congratulations. Is not so, as if I had to learn ... Since I can cook quietly by 4 hours.

Above all: Is it morally acceptable to engage in dubious reasons in a community? I am doing so nunmal not really about my relationship with God that I believe ultimately for the whole intact. Even without the support of any minister. I would even just meet people .... So I should think about it again.

Furthermore, it is tomorrow at the discretion of the professors leave tomorrow fail classes because a new director will be crowned. My teachers, however, seem either to have no opinion. I'll just go again. Habs not so much so;)

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Markus Zusak - The Book Thief

mitlerweile once again I remembered what I wanted to write so badly last night, and had forgotten.
I read a sensational new book. Hats given me the day before yesterday a fellow student, because she thought it would please me safe.

In itself, the Book Thief by Markus Zusak a youth book. However, one of the finest variety. Sympathetic narrator is ... death. But not the way you are presenting it, horrible, mean and sneaky, but as he was when it thinks a bit about it, also could be: Stressed, tired of his job and, well, kind of lovable.

And this adorable looking death of the human imagination will inform him of a sense of the way, very funny man tells the young or older readers Story of Liesel. A girl who is in the middle of World War II, given by her mother to foster parents, and a new life begins. Liesel steals her first book at the funeral of her brother. It is the "Handbook for Gravedigger," which is an apprentice from his pocket. What was unusual about: Liesel can not read at all. At school she is, although they have had 10, and almost an adult, such as is sent in the first grade. But neither teachers nor ruler beats her to teach reading. This requires only their "Papa", which indeed is not really her dad, but only the man of her new stepmother, they must call Mama. This old Painter, who himself can not read very well, it brings you in, in a very gentle and wonderful way.

Admittedly I'm only on page 80 Therefore, I can not give more details on the content, but it is written exquisitely beautiful, and quite a hot tip for those who once again want to read a really nice children's book.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Subwoofer Line Output Setting

I want to write so much ...

... and I forget what. I

my flat there is just murder and manslaughter. One of my roommates made a lease for his girlfriend clear, although three roommates decided against it were that it collects.
The time we had to say so, of course, successful. When the 5 candidates for a shared flat from May 1 were sitting in our living room, they then said that the room was free so until June 1, w ecause it for a month to "interim rent" feeds. Between what? One of them moves out. There is nothing to sublet.
Our candidates were pissed accordingly, because they nunmal to 1.5. want to move / need.

And I have to change the opinion of whom zich most times in my flat, I can actually suffer and who is unsympathetic.

would love to go myself, WG.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Viking Longship Diagram

summer mood

How incredibly good it is only two hour to sit in the sun to recharge your energy and read a good book.
I feel like replacing all the bad mood of the morning is gone.

This is the ideal counter-program to the learning stress. In fact, I should not so let me stress. Okay, I'm just a couple of seminars is using too much. But that should still not make me give up my Sunday. Sunday is free to learn. As of today.

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madita20 @ 2008-04-20T10: 33:00

Be honest, how many times you have to you for your program, or justify your job?
"Do something decent," "Ohhh so you will after graduation taxi driver?" "Oh, has not passed for more Abi well?" ... Anyone with these and Rumschlag otherwise remarks must have my fullest sympathy.

My Abi is now about one year back, and now and then one meets people from the former Stage, acquaintances and friends of friends. Apart from the fact that I did not with many of these people cared for no reason during school hours only very marginal contact, the anger rising up in me has always been a precaution pending when the nasty question, "Tell me, what are you doing now?"

Simply because I can predict the reactions to my answer. With no crystal ball.
But polite as I am (It is after all too well brought up to say "what interests you about that? We have changed in 3 years senior than three sentences together. So do not waste my time small talk nonsense! ") I answer truthfully:" I study English and German ... " and with some hesitation bit behind "in teaching."

The reaction is almost always the same "Oh. Achso. Joar, was so close, were also in your majoring in, right?" and the tone oscillates with "teacher is, indeed sometimes very creative, does not know one in three. The Abi study was probably too poor to be killed at the bachelor? Yet another teacher who really do not feel there has it."

And I would cry every time favorite: "Duu've got no idea, maybe you would have time between class 11 and 13 is a long pause to talk to me, instead of smoking dope in the park, to know that I want to be a teacher since I was about 15, three months after graduation a Internship was made in a special school, because I was interested, stinks because the school system, and because the average age is for teachers at primary schools about to retire, because is too much in disorder, because children, even those not born with the ideal educational background were to have the right to well-made lessons and motivated teachers who treat them with respect and they suggest "you will anyway never find a training place, with teachers, to rise in their profession, they motivate, challenge and support, they take to complete, and show that they care and are interested. Teachers, who have not already be seen from the expression "sometimes I'd rather be a teacher at the high school," Teachers who love teaching.

But even tho loudly about a charge that was not even pronounced?

I'm even annoyed by students sitting with me in the seminars and openly admit that they actually had no idea what to do, but teachers sounds quite good. For Medicine Hat's not enough, philosophy has little future at Bachelor ... and perhaps we become more civil servants.

Still, I'm still irritated by these unspoken "accusations" my fellow men that I should really leave you cold, do not do it unfortunately.

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All beginnings are difficult

Alright, this is my new kind of "blog" ... I used to blog when I was younger, about 14 I guess, but everything which came out was pubertal bullshit.
Actually I think this blog now is not going to show any difference to the puberty-blog... The only difference is, that now I'am almost 20 and obviously  the topics I'm interested in are quite different.
But all in all just stupid informing you (honestly I doubt that there really is someone who reads that) about my everyday life. Which really isn't that interesting actually.

I'm quiote confused if I should write in English or in German. I mean I'm studying anglistics, so I should improve my english skills. But I'm just feeling more comfortable in German.
Otherwise this is an american blog-system...

I'll think about that.