Saturday, August 15, 2009

Arizona State Drivers License Template

RecentChanges @ 2009-07-22T21: 53:00

from momentary boredom, interest in her blog, and especially from lack of tiredness I have just begun to blog about you, ;


to read from the start: D. Let's see how far I get tonight ^ ^ I just am a bit tired, but I still will not sleep. One of your first Enträge was such a fill-thingy, and I do now sometimes:))

first Outfit? - Gammel
black-pajama pants, white polo shirt RL second Hair Style? - Zusammmengebunden
, Pony is due to black hair kept out of the tires face
third Jewelry? -

nope 4th Underwear? - I have to scrap nachgucken: D ... is unfortunately not fit together, obenrum light blue and pink untenrum [info] 5th Nail color? - Ablackiert red on the toes, nails are freshly Do you
6th Cut yourself? -
ridiculous question Oo 7th Whine a lot? -
like this, probably not

8th Yell a lot? - oh yes: D
9th Hate a lot of people? - well, hate is a strong word, but there are many, many people I really hate or upset me extremely
10th Have too many friends? - can one have too many friends? Anyway, I'm happy just the way it is right now:)
11th Want to die? - just not
12th Do drugs? - COLA!
13th Wear dark colors? -
...?! yes

14th Dye your hair? -
oui, oui, currently blond 15th Shave strange places? -
are on my body there is no 'strange places': P
last person?
16th You touched? -
my sister 17th You yelled at? -
my sister ... or Vanessa
18th You talked to? -
my sister
19th You hugged? - Vanessa

20th You instant messaged? -
21st Who broke your heart? -
I do not say:)
Are You
22nd Understanding? - Yes

23rd Open-minded? -
all depends on the person, but rather not 24th Insecure? -
25th Interesting? -
na clear: P I hope so ^ ^ 26th Hungry? -
just not 27th Intelligent? -
I belong at least not to the most stupid;)
28th Moody? - Can occur

29th Childish? -

30th! Independent? -
not quite 31st Hard working? -
the moment I must be for nothing work: D but .. What else goes like this. I could definitely do more!
32nd Healthy? -
xD haha nee
33rd Shy? - depends
34th Difficult? - certainly!
35th Attractive? - a ha ha ha
36th Bored easily? - sometimes
37th Thirsty? - Yes ! after Coke or Ice Tea - but then I can even less sleep -.-
38th Obsessive? - oui: D
39th Angry? - Often !
40th Sad? - More often 41st Happy? - is
42nd Trusting? - Yes
43rd Sick? -
44th Talkative? - depends
45th Ignored? - occurs
46th Reliable? - yes:)
47th Sleepy? - No -.- grr
48th Lonely? - just so

55th What is your favorite band? - too many, but in any case, Die Toten Hosen, Zero7, Muse, Billy Talent, Kings of Leon, and so on, could list more and more: 56 D
Color? - black, pink, gray (currently)
57th Soda? - COLA!
58th Music? - Rock & Alternative
59th Stores in the mall? - the usual, Zara, Mango, H & M
60th Ice cream? - blood orange, lemon, Barbieeis, Cookie
61st Candy? - Cadbury chocolate
62nd Juice? - Orange

63rd Holiday? -
64th Month? - Maybe
In the last 48 hours
65th Cried? - not think
66th Missed someone? - Oh yes
67th Yelled at someone? - clear
68th Changed your underwear? - what? -.- stupid question, of course!
69th Drove somewhere? - not by myself, but by train and bus
70th Talked to someone on the phone? - Oh yes
71st Been online? - yes, and even less than usual:)
72nd Smiled? -

73rd Had sex? - Noo
74th Hugged someone? - Oui
75th Last thing you ate? -
a children Bueno
76th Talked to an ugly person? - haha determined
Have you ever
77th Been in love? - not really
78th Kissed someone of the same sex? - Yes
79th Been in trouble with the police? - not think 80th Hit someone? -
's obvious: D
81st Broke something? -
I can not help at all as Miss Clumsy 82nd Betrayed a friend? - Hmm
possible 83rd Played strip poker? - Noo
84th Skipped school? -
: D oh yes

85th Stole something? -
jajaaa 86th Shot a gun? -
87th Broke something important? -
yes -.- 88th Dyed your hair? - Last
oui oui
Okay questions
89th What is sitting next to you? - what 'what'? a stack of magazines, if I asked the question now understand correctly?
90th Do you get along with your mother? - och joa:)
91st Favorite sport? - FOOTBALL! and swimming, dancing, inline skating
92nd Are you gay / lesbian / bi / straight? - totally gay!
93rd Been in a plane? - Oui
94th Killed someone? - haha no!
95th Kicked your cat for the hell of it? - I do not have a cat ...
96th Slept during class? -
yes: D for example, as we in the 11th have seen in English class 'My Son the Fanatic'

97th Cheated on a test? -
yes: D
98. Are you bored of taking this survey? -
is 99th What time is it? -


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