Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laughing Pain Behind Ears

My last evening!

The last evening in Germany ...

And slowly I am also a bit excited ... has indeed gone on long enough.
I already have some sad farewells behind me. I will miss my friends really.

The case is packed (yes, I made it, he actually weighs only 20 kilos) and my hand luggage already weighs nine kilos. OMG!

I wished him well for the flight and the trip. I am working hard!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Washington Post November 2 1922

RecentChanges @ 2009-08-09T01: 45:00

Rules: Enter the answers in Google images, the


! Picture taking and then post here.

1) What is your name?

[HAHAHA! This is the greatest woman in Germany! XD]

2) What is your favorite food?

3) What is your hometown?
4) What is your favorite color?

[oh man ... xD but my favorite color is now not difficult to guess ^ ^]

5) What is your favorite movie?

[American History X! If you do not know the film, this picture is something else weird over]

6) What is your favorite drink?

7) What / Where is your dream vacation?

[doofes photo! There is soooo much better!]

8) What is your favorite dessert?

9) What words would you describe yourself?

[! I stress! I entered not asexual! White xD absolutely no idea what this picture has to do with my word /]

10) How do you feel now?

[HAHA, what advice, what word I typed here is a genius: D]

11) What do you love most in the world?

12) What do you want later times?

[: D is almost more difficult than No. 10]

1080p Upconverting Dvd Player Reviews


Hyvää huomenta!  (god morgon på finska)

Just one more week till my bday, two weeks vacation (no work yaaay!---only univesity homework....-_-) aand good news XD for all who loved to play fable and fable2 theres now somethin to celebrate:
peter molineux presented a short trailer and some info on fable3 at the gamescon in cologne! It will be released next year and for the xbox360 only. no prob. ^_____^ I'm soooo excited, a new game at last!!!

Other news are that I went watching "Coraline". A good movie. True to the book yesss. And scary, ..didn't think it would, but nothin for kids. or lets say not for every  kid. chrchr.
And I'm going to have another try: learning swedish. I quit the lessons last semester but I want to learn that language. As well as finnish. I'd looove to learn finnish but first I want to pass swedish-exams. I learn finnish at home till then. Should be okay for now, eikö? ...(cuz I want to refresh my knowledge on french and jazz up my japanese and english too.) And I want to learn italian, and slovenska and danska and norwegisch and then I will have to take a course on korean sometime in chch near future cuz if not I'll never learn that language...jaja i love learning languages. I love it to speak them and be able to understand what people are saying. ^-^ 

Übrigens, my girl has a name, eyes and new hair now. She is a finnish girl with the name Oona Aila Korppi. May be uploading some pics soon. one willing to go with me to the DEATHSTARS CONCERT in cologne? T^T I'm dying here...watching the tickets getting sold.....
And no new Oguri Shun movie to watch..-____-

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Arizona State Drivers License Template

RecentChanges @ 2009-07-22T21: 53:00

from momentary boredom, interest in her blog, and especially from lack of tiredness I have just begun to blog about you, ;


to read from the start: D. Let's see how far I get tonight ^ ^ I just am a bit tired, but I still will not sleep. One of your first Enträge was such a fill-thingy, and I do now sometimes:))

first Outfit? - Gammel
black-pajama pants, white polo shirt RL second Hair Style? - Zusammmengebunden
, Pony is due to black hair kept out of the tires face
third Jewelry? -

nope 4th Underwear? - I have to scrap nachgucken: D ... is unfortunately not fit together, obenrum light blue and pink untenrum [info] 5th Nail color? - Ablackiert red on the toes, nails are freshly Do you
6th Cut yourself? -
ridiculous question Oo 7th Whine a lot? -
like this, probably not

8th Yell a lot? - oh yes: D
9th Hate a lot of people? - well, hate is a strong word, but there are many, many people I really hate or upset me extremely
10th Have too many friends? - can one have too many friends? Anyway, I'm happy just the way it is right now:)
11th Want to die? - just not
12th Do drugs? - COLA!
13th Wear dark colors? -
...?! yes

14th Dye your hair? -
oui, oui, currently blond 15th Shave strange places? -
are on my body there is no 'strange places': P
last person?
16th You touched? -
my sister 17th You yelled at? -
my sister ... or Vanessa
18th You talked to? -
my sister
19th You hugged? - Vanessa

20th You instant messaged? -
21st Who broke your heart? -
I do not say:)
Are You
22nd Understanding? - Yes

23rd Open-minded? -
all depends on the person, but rather not 24th Insecure? -
25th Interesting? -
na clear: P I hope so ^ ^ 26th Hungry? -
just not 27th Intelligent? -
I belong at least not to the most stupid;)
28th Moody? - Can occur

29th Childish? -

30th! Independent? -
not quite 31st Hard working? -
the moment I must be for nothing work: D but .. What else goes like this. I could definitely do more!
32nd Healthy? -
xD haha nee
33rd Shy? - depends
34th Difficult? - certainly!
35th Attractive? - a ha ha ha
36th Bored easily? - sometimes
37th Thirsty? - Yes ! after Coke or Ice Tea - but then I can even less sleep -.-
38th Obsessive? - oui: D
39th Angry? - Often !
40th Sad? - More often 41st Happy? - is
42nd Trusting? - Yes
43rd Sick? -
44th Talkative? - depends
45th Ignored? - occurs
46th Reliable? - yes:)
47th Sleepy? - No -.- grr
48th Lonely? - just so

55th What is your favorite band? - too many, but in any case, Die Toten Hosen, Zero7, Muse, Billy Talent, Kings of Leon, and so on, could list more and more: 56 D
Color? - black, pink, gray (currently)
57th Soda? - COLA!
58th Music? - Rock & Alternative
59th Stores in the mall? - the usual, Zara, Mango, H & M
60th Ice cream? - blood orange, lemon, Barbieeis, Cookie
61st Candy? - Cadbury chocolate
62nd Juice? - Orange

63rd Holiday? -
64th Month? - Maybe
In the last 48 hours
65th Cried? - not think
66th Missed someone? - Oh yes
67th Yelled at someone? - clear
68th Changed your underwear? - what? -.- stupid question, of course!
69th Drove somewhere? - not by myself, but by train and bus
70th Talked to someone on the phone? - Oh yes
71st Been online? - yes, and even less than usual:)
72nd Smiled? -

73rd Had sex? - Noo
74th Hugged someone? - Oui
75th Last thing you ate? -
a children Bueno
76th Talked to an ugly person? - haha determined
Have you ever
77th Been in love? - not really
78th Kissed someone of the same sex? - Yes
79th Been in trouble with the police? - not think 80th Hit someone? -
's obvious: D
81st Broke something? -
I can not help at all as Miss Clumsy 82nd Betrayed a friend? - Hmm
possible 83rd Played strip poker? - Noo
84th Skipped school? -
: D oh yes

85th Stole something? -
jajaaa 86th Shot a gun? -
87th Broke something important? -
yes -.- 88th Dyed your hair? - Last
oui oui
Okay questions
89th What is sitting next to you? - what 'what'? a stack of magazines, if I asked the question now understand correctly?
90th Do you get along with your mother? - och joa:)
91st Favorite sport? - FOOTBALL! and swimming, dancing, inline skating
92nd Are you gay / lesbian / bi / straight? - totally gay!
93rd Been in a plane? - Oui
94th Killed someone? - haha no!
95th Kicked your cat for the hell of it? - I do not have a cat ...
96th Slept during class? -
yes: D for example, as we in the 11th have seen in English class 'My Son the Fanatic'

97th Cheated on a test? -
yes: D
98. Are you bored of taking this survey? -
is 99th What time is it? -

Friday, August 14, 2009

Right Thumb Burning Pain

Amazing NEWS!

I'm super news, you will not believe me! And although ... Today I get my host family!

you have 2 children, a girl, 15 years, and a boy, 11 years. The parents are both teachers. With last names they are called Suzuki ...
I'm still not much information, because my entire family profile will not send it next week, but I am after all, ever grateful for what I learned today.

far as I've read the address right, they live in Edokawa, Tokyo. This is the heart of Tokyo, my school will therefore be extremely long.

What else? Oh, and probably will take me in the family for 3 months. This is common in Japan, because families often do not want to commit for a year. However, it annoys me.

is the case Hobbies: outdoor activities, baseball, baking, ...
outdoor activities? That was what I've stated in the things that I do not like to do. But who knows what that means outdoor Akrivitäten in Tokyo ... I mean, for example, tents and stuff.

The school uniform is infinitely more expensive, only a sampling: The matching jacket costs 21 818 yen! After the current price are the approximately 160 €. But the jacket I better buy is not necessarily ...

Ok, I hab keine Zeit mehr zu schreiben. Morgen muss ich meine Gastfamilie anrufen, na das kann ja was werden!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Preparation H Pregnancy

Good News!

I'm so happy, because today I got a letter from my exchange organisation...
No, it's not my host family, but my school!

Ok... it's... Junten High School Saitama!!
Saitama is with Shinkansen ca. 15 minutes from Tokyo. Not far away...
It has almost 2 million inhabitants. Compared to Tokyo it's nothing, but for me it's really really big. And if I want to go shopping, I can go to Tokyo .
But somehow the school isn't in Saitama... It's in Tokyo.. Why did the organisation write Saitama?

I will switch to German now, because I will use my LiveJournal blog as when I'm in Japan. Everybody asked me if I want to use a blog when I'm there, so I decided to do it ... sometimes, when I have the time. In German I can write faster, so I will write German.

So, this is therefore the beginning of my little Japanese blog. I hope I am also to write always well-behaved a little bit.
I have informed me a little about the city of Saitama and also tries to inform me about the school, but in legend, of course I got no information, so I had to look up at Wikipedia Japan, the kanji for these rauszubekommen school. And then the stupid Homepage this school does not work and it was not quite sure of my internet, everything else has that is wonderful. So all is what I ultimately found out about the school have the school uniform: (bottom)
you have written that this weekend is the family meeting and they hope to give me the Papers by mid next week to send. Let's hope it works out, finally, I must go also to the embassy.

Now it is exactly on the day for another 2 weeks ... I'm terribly excited!
I'm sorry, Lissy, it was not Shimotsuma!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Aka University Of South Florida

RecentChanges @ 2009-07-22T21: 47:00

grab the book, which is closest to you, beat on page 18 and quote line 4
"568, and even the Emperor Charles the Great Survey" (short line ^ ^)
track your left arm out as far as possible. What you hold in your hand?
my wall: S What have you seen as the last in the television?
adults on probation: D
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear right now?
a car outside my .... Mama, who calls people out .... When you have done the last step outside?
noon today, was with Vanessa in Bonn What you just did, before you've started this questionnaire?
written a different spam-entry: D
What you have just to?
Schwarrrz - skirt, blouse, sweater .... okay, and a rose-pink scarf

Did you dream last night? Certainly!
When did you laugh the last time?
It is with my mom

What's on the walls of the room in the currently login now?
since the renovation is not much ... a some pictures of me some notes with things I should do soon .... sometimes a mirror, 2 shelves, nor a mirror, a poster, a book shelf, my closet and the bed.

Have you recently seen something strange?
Definitely. Let me think about it ... okay, not really strange, but funny to me today is the meat part of my bagel ... like it looked a little strange from

xD What was the last movie you saw?
keinohrhasen ... yesterday at Ania;)

What would you buy if you were suddenly multimillionaire?
much: D I do not count on anything now: P

Tell me something about you that I did not know.
Oh Noo .... Colaholiker: S

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? rid reduce the gap between rich and poor, or .... I have also said Jehovah's Witnesses who were here the other day xD
you like to dance?
Oui: D

George Bush!

Imagine your first child was a girl. What would you call it?
Olivia: D

And a boy?
I have not thought about it .... will First have a girl: D

Would you consider using it to emigrate?
YES! What would you say

God when you reach the Pearly Gates?
Do I spontaneously decide when it is finally time höhööö

Three people are the answer here.
Whoever wants ;-)