Friday, August 25, 2006

Sony V7u Camera For Sale



we arrived back safely. The flight was okay even though we were separated, and unfortunately did not really change .... whatever, we are having survived. My family has welcomed me mad and Riessen at home gabs a meal that also was pretty full. I feel really comfortable and I have not yet this OH MAN AGAIN HERE> o \u0026lt;feeling, it's nice to be back here. nacher I meet first with coco and co.

oh and I introduced myself yesterday on the level .... XD. I flew to Japan I weighed 65 kilos, now I weigh 55 kilos O_________O. that's kind of awesome, considering I actually eaten it every day what I until I was fed up (more or less XD).

now it is 6:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake at 22:00 am yesterday to bed and woke up by 5. hoffentlicht will it last "jetlag" not too long.

uuuuuund last but not least:

thank you guys!! I had a wonderful time with you

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