Saturday, June 26, 2010

Quinseaneras Desnuditas

Stupid and simple - but in the end it will look good.

between, I sometimes need that quick and easy. And since I'm still actually on TV recently Sara Nuru (Germanys next Topmodel) seen with a giant scarf and I thought: Wow, that looks good!
So, fix needles Nos. 5 and my left blue Apollo Schachenmayr (106m/50g) is packed and came out:

50 stitches, a right, a left and through. This results in a wonderfully cozy, thick, very stretchy scarf I can rumwinden loose a few times to me. Now is the thing washed and comes from in the box to the winter clothes. Of course one can discuss how I'm in the middle of summer with the idea to knit a scarf for the winter ... it had to be easy.

But instead I have made something that my absolute favorite part of the wardrobe is at:

This is unfortunately not to look so good, I hope you recognize it anyway.
with needles 3.5 and black wool knit 137m/50g smooth (instructions from a Verena). A simple, fitted top, were brought to the sewn from the same wool, but with 5.5 needles smooth knit, wide sleeves. The sleeves are not sewn together but depend directly on the Top The Top makes wonderfully airy. I modified the sleeves against the book, so they are nice for me and a little longer and are more. The guide has proposed for the sleeves a much thicker yarn, but I found it in matching wool and with the same beautiful. I was most fascinated by how differently might look like a knitted fabric, if you use thicker needles only for the same pattern.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Can Men Re Catch Thrush


I got the Bachelor's thesis submitted uuuund finished. = u = yesss! Of course I wrote to the very end still not worked out so as I thought I "had seen Melikka .... you've come. Therefore, nothing was to be corrected with rumschicken large. My mother had to go through all this in two days the poor. But now it is gone and I'm so relieved!

I've completed my two new plants indulged: A
Albizia choclate (chocolate-colored silk tree, which collapses the leaves at night) and a Tacca chantrieri (bat plant). To which I've already got me huge. Is still small, and without flowers, but if it is then so far, the flowers, at least as large as ne hand, purple-black that look like bats with outstretched wings ... hence the name. Great part.
are also already come before yesterday ^ ^

Now I'm cleaning up and cleaning out the. First, for the water plants, and now I want to put on the shelf, and also because we get new windows. Two days of noise and open flat-_-Well

[The trailer for Assassins Creed Brotherhood looks great and Silent Hill 8 I'm at least curious, because there are new developers turn again . Otherwise, the E3 was quite unnecessary. Oh and Mass Effect 2 I'm through (discovered late in the game habs) and it's just awesome. The first part of the trilogy is lame, unfortunately. (Er have a change needed in addition to writing> _>)] was

Friday, June 18, 2010

Splenda And Diverticulitis

knitting results of the last time

have this I am busy lately:

The sweater is knitted in a manual from the Verena and has a very nice Ajour-leaf pattern. The run would have a wool was 106m/50g (Apollo / Schachenmayr). Basically, I pay attention on it with my knitting stuff is always that I can easily plug it into the washing machine and the pattern forgive me machine washing and the subsequent spin. The cozy sweater has been wonderfully warmed me in so many cool evening.

This blanket has got a dear friend on her birthday:

And again from a different perspective:

The ceiling is my first "own" design and consists of several strips with various Celtic-style knot sequences that have stitched me and surrounded with a Zopfborte. The run length of the wool was approximately 140m/50g Size (took me about 900g). Since I was a little pressed for time and the project "ceiling" was bigger than I thought, I had to sometimes push hintenan all other projects. I've made about three months of this ceiling. However, it was because of the different samples varied and was great fun. I love this kind of knitting and am thrilled with the effect that the ceiling had at the end. Needless to say, that said friend has obviously got the ceiling. I'm seriously wondering about, myself one more time to make such a piece, but first I need a "Zopfpause;)

've Ever since I completed a summer sweater with wide sleeves (follow the photos as soon as I have found a way, it to present beautiful without it looks like a pile of wool), which represents the new favorite in my wardrobe.

Everything I do now is, of course, only shown when it is finished;)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where Should I Take My Driver's License Test Nc

sucettemarie @ 2010-06-16T10: 09:00

No internet, that since January no news of Marie.
Sorry ...

I'm in school, have so little time to write, I wanted to hear from me for a short time.

Only one and a half weeks, then it's home again ... I look
me and I am not looking forward

And now I have no more time.

Oh God, what fürn bummer entry