Sunday, November 22, 2009

Examples Of Church Welcome Letters

sucettemarie @ 2009-11-22T19: 45:00

Halli Hallo!
A new report by Marie, even if this time is not as long as the last time because I did not this time have imposed on my laptop.

Today I had a very cultural day Obaachan eingeschnuert me in a kimono (oh, how I would show you photos) and I could learn a little tea ceremony, by which I myself have pushed through with sorrow and distress, and some really nice've done wrong. For example, the tea powder-dose touched in the wrong place, which is a little green powder gebroeselt on my red kimono, and the Suesskartoffelmusbaellchen with this thing aufgepiekst got Piek as ien-takoyaki balls and got bitten.
In the evening we went to eat ramen and Gyouza. Gyouza is really great, all non-Japanese people I know here who love this Vllt because it is actually Chinese and the taste of foreigners somehow tastes. My fingers smell somehow still then ... As I write this, I have all the time Gyouza the smell in the nose.

Ok, on to your questions:
"what is actually home room? do you homework here? "
Yes, I'm not really well expressed ... Home Room is such a kind .. Class teacher lesson "? The time in which we write everyday English vocabulary test, recite the poem and the teacher announces important things. That is every day before the first hour and after the last.

"I would be so interested in the role Japanese relations even more. However, it is the case that the woman more for home and children is responsible, right? "
I can only of my family To speak after all, I've just got to know the ... In my family makes Okaasan much budget, but it boils Otousan almost every day. And washes and such. I would say it's not quite balanced, but almost constant.

"What would interest me more would be all the machines that it should be with you there. ^ ^ "
So, the only thing I've seen such vending machines are selling machines and Getraenkeautomaten. And there are too many really. What did you want to know because, over the machine?

"Have you actually also homework, like this? "
Yes, we have, but I it must not do, because I do not understand the lessons anyway, and often do not learn in time what they give us so. I only do art and English ^ ^
Ah, but Japanese homework I get on sometimes, from our teacher.

"What is in Japan or in your family the holiday season? Will you bake cookies? "
In my family, I notice from Christmas until now hardly anything. I am the one who is most in the Christmas spirit. I'll certainly get a real boost homesick times when it gets to Christmas. I love German Christmas \u0026lt;3
In department stores and so there are many things at Christmas, but actually celebrates Christmas is hard, after all it is really not in the Japanese culture. This is again ruebergeschwappt of the Western world.
But the department stores and so on Suessigkeitenhersteller see there's a good chance to make a little money.

"I would like to know if the Japanese are all so friendly, for example?? or polite? in comparison to our German ...?!"
you been all very polite. Sometimes a bit too polite ...
Ok, but because I did not have time, I write about the subject later, yes? This is a bit longer.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Toronto Cat Rescue Blog

to read much ...

Halli Hallo!

Last Week I have not managed to write, sorry.
This time I want to answer the questions I have been placed under the last entry.
And this entry is really long ...

"to the subject matter you have to deal with the Sun Heavier than in Germany? (That is apart from the language barrier) "
So honestly, I'm learning anything except Japanese and English here. The language they use in the classroom is so different from the one in which you talk to normal. This is in Germany so that way. When I study, I'm learning Japanese, so I have enough to do so, the language of real hats in itself.
The school has a teacher who teaches Japanese, for exchange students, foreign students (but regular students) or students who have long lived in another country and therefore have problems with the language or kanji. There are, for example, a student who has lived in America, he speaks Japanese like any other, but his kanji knowledge is about at the primary level. In such a case, you're gonna get lessons from Ono-sensei (which is actually Yoko Ono ^ ^).
as an exchange student she teaches us, of course also. She is really sweet, the nicest teacher I ever had. And it helps us exactly where we have problems.
We here have many kinds of English classes (English 1, English Grammar, Communication and ... Listening? No idea what the last one ...). A total of 9 hours a week, finally it is the English class. I wonder why they are still all that bad, with so much class. Must be all those methods are.
English 1 is pretty boring, but I have to do anything now. 2 of the 4 hours I have this special session with the students whose English level is higher than that of the other (because they, for example, for a while in an English Have lived or so) and the other two hours I learn Japanese with Aisha, a very nice girl in my class, her English is so good that it may waive the English 1 class and my teacher told her that they instead to learn with me. English Grammar In
sleep I usually.
Listening is quite ok.
The best thing is conversation. Our teachers are a true American (Barney) and a Japanese woman who has somehow grown up in America or something. It can be described even as a native speaker. These now come Andy and Ralph, the two volunteer teacher from England. They make something like an exchange year, except that they work and get money for it and I have a lot of Anna and paid for it to come to Japan. But they must come here directly after school, those activities are both only 18, making it really hard to regard them as a teacher. Anna and I see them more as friends, I think, finally, we are in the same situation.
In any event, made a great conversation, the teaching is similar to that in Germany. For me (and the other "special" students), it is still a bit ... boring. Therefore, we have since yesterday is also a special course in the double Conversation hour, a Hour and an hour with Andy Ralph. That makes a lot more fun than before, because we chat a lot and laugh and have fun. As I said, Andy and Ralph are also only 2 years older than me. And you really British English is somehow really funny sometimes.
So, English I forget ^ ^ at least not for the other subjects it looks ... worse.

"how does your family life like? So what do you do together so and so. "" And what is your take on so with your host family? "
Mh .. So a week is not so much time to do that together, all come home and late since only enough energy to chat, watch television and play around a bit (ie, host siblings annoy and vice versa).
On the weekends there are so many different things ... the big I told you already described (eg, Disneyland), otherwise such small things, such as the sports festival, flower festival Tomos (Tomohiro, my host brother) primary schools, the Ikebana competition Obaachan (meiner. .. Gastoma?) and things like that. It is only on Sundays time to do what, Saturday school and Momoka has Okaasan (my host mother) has to work sometimes. I myself did, too (sometimes) Saturday School.
Sometimes I am with friends on Sunday agreed, then there is no time to organize something for the family.
What we still so? For example, sometimes we go eat together, I prefer the Chinese Restaurant (Chinese food is tastier than any Japanese) and okonomiyaki and Monja. I love love Monja! It's really really yummy! Sometimes we go with family Maeda, a nice family with two sons, who lives two blocks away.

eat "you actually fish for breakfast? ^ ^ "
" What you eat this? What does a Japanese breakfast / lunch / dinner? "
Yes, sometimes there are also fish for breakfast. For the traditional breakfast is to actually. Because the morning is not so much time there in my family does not fish every day for breakfast. Normally I get rice (of course) and egg (Japanese eat so much egg .. a wonder I did not have any protein-poisoning .. there's something, anyway?). Often even miso soup to which I've also used my slow and I now find really delicious. There are many things that taste really good when you get used to it. Then, there are often Leftovers from dinner before that, if there is something left over that you can warm up quickly. Sometimes it was cake or fruit
the beginning, it often onigiri (rice balls) stuffed with fish, but since I've started to hate Onigiri, I have to eat no more fortunate.
The last hours before the lunch break, I starve to death then almost always because I am, 20 minutes after I got up, just can not eat as much and then it must extend until noon. Then I make my Bento (Lunch) eat. This usually consists of rice, vegetables and sometimes fish or meat (for example, from dinner the day before), these eggs rolls (Which I love!) And this little potato gratin thing with the little crab on it (which I'm keeping always on the circuit). Sometimes there are Omeraisu (lecker!!). I get not every day a Bento made, sometimes my host mother is too tired to get up for this fact must be really, really early.
If I get none, I have to buy food at school was. I often try to save money and buy something from the 100yen stuff (bread or pudding), but sometimes I eat yakisoba or udon. My host mother was shocked when I've told her that I sometimes only eat a pudding for lunch.
evening will be correct cooked and I eat there often a lot, if there exists something tasty. Usually there is always rice and no matter what it is. Often there are many different things that you eat on the rice. What I particularly like is, for example Omeraisu, Kaare (Curry), udon and the food in this big, round, heated pot filled with water and placed in the middle of the table. In there will be many things, vegetables, meat, fish, tofu, noodles, because you can cook everything in it. And every fish out what he likes. I love this one type of mushroom that I almost always eat alone ^ ^
all Sometimes there is dessert (ice cream is the Japanese tasty), for example, ice cream, pudding or cake and stuff of that nature
So, that was all about the food in the week, the weekend looks sometimes a bit different.

"How do you feel then the role of life? (That which is typical woman, man what a typical, typical child, etc.) said "
Honestly, I feel part of what little life ... Maybe this is just so, because I still do not understand everything and still am a foreigner, but I rather think it is not so much part of life anymore. The cliché that the wife is often a housewife when she marries and has been confirmed at all either. Almost all the women I know work.
Actually I feel just really pushed into a role where I (the teacher responsible for exchange students) with Nakahara-sensei talking about. He treated us a little bit like we were kids and had no brain. Where
me much the role of life have noticed is with the whole-Senpai Kohai thing. For those who have forgotten: Senpai Kohai are younger students and older students. Since my school is a middle school and I'm first class of high school, I've got a lot Kohai and also a lot Senpai. I am an exchange student, So you expect me not to hold me to it, but actually to talk to his Senpai in polite language and is very respectful. Morning as we greet its Senpai very polite when you see them with "Ohayou gozaimasu," while friends and peers "Ohayou" is sufficient. Funny if the whole Middle school girls, I know (for example, from my club, there are quite a lot of small means students) to greet the morning a very polite and well behaved and a stop as the door. They have before me, not so much respect because I am not so strict. My host mother says I should be a little bit strict to them, they say that is never Senpai to me, as they should, but just call me Marie, like all others. And I often chat with them a whole lot that you do not, normally, especially not with the very young, first-class middle school. I could boss around it theoretically correct. My friends from my club who are also first class high school, are there really strict. There are real performance assessments in order to train all busy. Before which they have more respect. But then my friends are in turn very respectful to the second High School class members and do what they say.
Very fascinating, the whole system ...
My host sister was in her club at her school, so strictly to their Kohai because she skipped that the girl was crying. And that's actually not unusual. Because the
Senpai are very strict there, it means the students not allowed to decorate their uniforms. The wear the skirt very long, not rolled up and the federal government, which almost all do high school girls.

have "you know what about the traditional Japan can learn? (Such as tea ceremony or something. Have you ever drank "real" green tea? ^ ^) "
" Has your host-grandmother already done something with you (Japanese traditions?)? "
Oh yes, the tea ... Yes, I was allowed to get to know me and I've gotten used to it. The right, Japanese green tea is actually ... not at all tasty. I've used my turn, I can drink it, but taste really, he does not. I may actually green and black tea, sweetened or unsweetened, but the Japanese ... I do not know who is somehow .... not tasty.
What struck me is that there is anywhere to buy tea, and bottled drinking water packets, etc, but the real tea, that is a little bitter, like tea is containing. When you buy tea in Germany, in a bottle, not a tea bag or something, it's usually sweetened iced tea, or so much that one is hardly any tea rausschmeckt. In Japan it is the other way. The tea is drunk already mostly cold, but this one rarely finds a sweetened tea. The tea that you buy tastes really like when you cook tea. And tea are everywhere in all variations. Also Milk Tea, which I really love, really, really, which is really nice here. We can print here ready for drinking now or pack in this comic mini-tetra packs, which you usually get to a straw, if you buy them.
What have I learned about the traditional Japan ... Shodou (calligraphy) in any case, I've seen a lot of Ikebana, because Obaachan, the good. Next week I'll Ikebana with Obaachan and get to know a bit of tea ceremony. ^ ^
There used Tomos flower festival, many traditional things that I found very interesting. And the reason students traditional Japanese dances are performed, very cute \u0026lt;3

"Is it true that there is a" Japanese women are "and" Japanese Men "? What you learn? "
women's and men's Japanese I would not call it, they are just a few words or phrases that you use as a man or woman. Men use of "I" often "boku" or "ore" (more colloquially), while women often use "watashi" (watashi but can also be used by men who use but rather "boku", so I hear watashi often by women) or "uchi".
Some female comedians use a few words men. And Omae, "actually a word men is sometimes colloquially said of women.
Some words we say as a woman simply does not and vice versa.
And I would say I'm learning more the Japanese woman. That means I'm learning to speak Japanese, and the woman to understand women's and men's Japanese.

"write still a little bit about your school life. When you're starting, what do you do so in school, what do you do in the afternoon, when are you coming home? How does the teaching? "
Beginning at 8:10 we do. Then 20-25 minutes Homeroom. First, we have a small English vocabulary test every day, but there are a few minutes to learn. After the test comes first Aisatsu (greeting, phrase, whatever) "Kyotsuke-re, onegaishimasu", then one or two students come forward and tell us that we should wear our name tags, which was yesterday so and today is due, etc. Then this is
Poem, or text or whatever that is. After the list of names every day another student comes forward and reads line by line and we see this time again, if I can war together ...

"Strong in the rain
Strong in the wind and snow
Strong against the summer heat
He is healthy and robust
He never loose his temper
Nor the quiet smile on his lips

He does not consider himself in whatever OCCURS
His understanding comes from experience and observation
And he never loose sight of things
He enjoys learning together
He enjoys communication in this class
He always thinks
Joy is not in things In
And he always says
Life together is more fun

That is the sort of person I want to be
Ha, I actually war together! Ok, I must say it every day .... This person does not exist. Then again comes
Aisatsu and our class teacher says at a few things. Then again Aisatsu (Japanese love Aisatsu and are very strict), "kyotsuke-re, arigatou gozaimashita" and we have 10 minutes rest. We have between each hour 10 minute break and after the 4th Hour 40 minutes lunch break. At the beginning of the hour Aisatsu (Kyotsuke-re, onegaishimasu ") and at the end of the hour (" Kyotsuke acid, arigatou gozaimashita "). The hours go 50 minutes, so is lunch break at 12:30 and the 6th Hour after 3 ends, the 7th at four. Then again Homeroom and then we can go.
Sometimes, when our group's turn, we do not have Soji, cleaning, after class.
I have 2 times a week, 7 hours, otherwise, 6, and 3 times a week, Baton Training. If I have Baton, I'm about 7 homes, if not, about 5 to drop by 6 There is not much time to do something after school. Sometimes I
driving with Mu-chan to Ikebukuro, which is not so far away from our school, but then I have to call home as I am then at 8 or up by 9 at home.
Sometimes we stay after the School still a bit there, chat a bit and so on.

So, as indemnity for the last week did you really get a lot of time.
I've written yesterday on my laptop because my Internet time on the computer of my host family is not as long.

If you are still any questions, they just write, right? I can not know what interests you Sun

Much love
Marie (マリー)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hefty Sandwich Baggies

news from Marie

I'm back.
The blog dies not.
I have no time to upload pictures somewhere forever, I know not, how should I show you photos. Text must therefore rich. Even though I like to show you pictures of my surroundings would like.

The reason why my blog is dangerous, is (as my host mother told me) because you can see my face and where I live here and all are of the opinion in Japan, I would be "sugoi kawaii". The reactions can really not describe it to me and it would perhaps not so completely removed. I also come from bad manners, to write about me saying that I find all sweet.
In any case, it is for (cute) girls and women here a lot dangerous! Than in Germany. There are gangs who attack young girls at night, men, the photos under the skirt and make the train when it is full, grab the butt. I've been there enough stories belongs. is misuse of photos on the Internet, it is possible.
And as I (quote) "sugoi kawaii"'m making, my host mother containing worried about me.

So, that's it for today, I have no more time. I hope I'll be right back to you to report everything.
I baked today with my host family the way, German apple cake! Thanks Mom, for the recipe.

I would still like to know what you so interested in my life here, so suggestions are welcome. All
all love

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Pothos Grow

RecentChanges @ 2009-11-01T18: 59:00

“ You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason. "
Ernest Hemingway (A Moveable Feast)