Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Red And White Bumps After A Brazilian

Kowaaaaaiiiii ~ ~ ~ ~


Today I'm free ... due to typhoon!
This is normal, I've had a normal, small in my first week here experienced, but this one is ... sugoi! Everyone says he is particularly strong.
Monday has it started to rain really Dolle. And although the gaaaaanz day. The same then on Tuesday and Wednesday. The air was so humid that my pony has lured properly despite screen. Ugh!
Yesterday I had me so hurry to get the good, early train, but then I lost my way on the loop and had to go back. Of course it was totally soaked and I was very late, so I had to take the late train. With which I am anyway really in the last minute at school, but yesterday is on top of all the connecting train in Nippori came 5 minutes late. And I have again the evil pink, get-to-late list. This time it was not my fault and I was not the only one in my class.
Today is the strongest typhoon on, so falls out of the school. I'm really scared ... The house shakes! And the wind will be 50 m \\ s fast. Uwaaaah! On television we have seen that already happen everywhere accidents, fall over houses and trees falling over. In the vicinity of my house is the great river, the Edogawa! Actually, just around the corner ... The Yamanote Line, with which I am going to school every morning from Nippori was stopped completely. As if I did not have enough fear, I have with my host sister a super creepy film about disaster seen a typhoon in Tokyo. It's one of those disaster movies where everything is super exaggerated and end all out well, but it's a real fear that if the house shake and rattle the doors and windows. On the news they said that stones could fly through the air! Apparently they are here but it gets used ... A mini-earthquake I've ever faced. Everything has wobbled briefly and Momoka just said "Oh, earthquake".
Yesterday I bought new shoes. The school shoes, they have all here.
I have not taken such an expensive, not brand. At least I'll get into that do not already wet feet. So far, I had my black ballerinas of H and M (I think it's ampersand somehow not), because the school has said they are ok and new shoes are expensive. But they have holes and when it rains, I get wet feet, even if no holes were there, after all, they are made of fabric. If H and M-dependent quality ... I had every rainy day, wet feet. And somehow have my white school indoor shoes dyed by yellow. Something is wrong with the Japanese storm water ...

way, I've had money problems again ... Although it is only the beginning of the month. I still have enough, but there is much to buy what I need.
What I would like this month \\ has to buy:
  • Electronic Dictionary that English, German and Kanji can (about 15 000 ¥)
  • Uebungsbuch Kanji (2,400 ¥)
  • schoolbag (Currently it is borrowed from the school, but I will have, hold on tight: approximately 12 500 ¥)
  • my own Baton (6,500 ¥)
As much as I do not even have. Shopping for new clothes and there is nothing left ... Finally, I was also quite beautiful Disneyland cost a lot. And a phone I can not get to ... Oh great. There is so much that I want to have, but I have nothing for money. That really hurts. And everything has my size (as opposed to German clothes and shoes). Waaaaeeeehhhh!

I have good news! My family likes me and I would like very much to keep for the entire 10 months. Yet nothing is certain, but the will is in any case already there. Oh, I'm so may I my host family, and I have no desire to change, now that I've settled in so well. I'm glad!

I think now I've written enough. Right now school is back, not so much happening. I have so more time to write about everyday things. What you would be interested because time? What do you want? I can not see hell yes ...
give And do not write me Comments. If I get no Comments, it's not fun to write something new. So just to hard!

And still no one called me out of my family ... I can not call, which needs to make it so. You can reach me by about by 6-10 in the evening after Japan time, but it is the best of the evening at 7-9. Since we usually eat and I'm almost always at home at this time. My host mom can not speak English when I am not there in that moment, because as I get home later, straight pool or something, then it tries again later. Wanda, Paula, I know you all have my number! I give away nor your gifts to anyone else.

All, all love

PS Remember! The Website of Swimmer:


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