Monday, January 4, 2010

Calculate Annealing Temperature Pcr

New Year and so

man, so I am long but can not bring in here to write something ... that would have had to tell non-I do not ... Holidays habsch survived well ^ - ^ get some books, games and crafts lichen in the last 9 weeks read and new friendships XD interest to you, I suppose ....-____-

also AAAB chchch new plans. As First of all I've browsed organized by the concert plans in the new year and carpools. 69 Eyes, Lacuna Coil, Saltatio Mortis , Aesthetic Perfection and the Deathstars (^ u ^ again ) are on HAHAHA Then I rejoice!

NEN belongings still very modest attempt at deco late started:

And a few new pictures at Tegaki painted, sometimes with the tabloid that I get along better ... would like to link wern brilliant side (my only non-brilliant pictures XD), which can even check with me .. Anyone who has

mal fürs nächste Weihnachten plant dem leg ich den mittelalterlichen Weihnachtsmarkt in Telgte ans Herz. Jedes Adventswochenende kann man sich da mit Leckereien den Bauch vollschlagen, sich mit Fellen, Gewandungen, Waffen und Wein eindecken und mittelalterliche Musik und Feuerspektakel bewundern. Und das Beste: Wenn einem kalt wird stehen überall Lagerfeuer zum sich Aufwärmen bereit. Richtig kuschelig mit Bänken drum wo man sich wiederbeleben und mit den Mitsitzenden in Kontakt kommen kann, wenn man will. Aber nötig war das Feuer auch dieses Jahr! Ich war schon ziemlich warm angezogen und musste mich trotzdem ein paar mal wiederbeleben...-_-
Richtig tolle Atmosphäre and 50% of the people there were dressed (dressed medieval) and a further 30% were Goths höhö I'm very at home because I felt ... hm .. and the sellers were all very nice and helpful .. yes

This year is the Year of the Tiger HAHA MY YEAR IS FINALLY COME! I hope it, otherwise the whole thing so no benefit. But it starts great, I want my these great movies .. ^ ^ Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton, The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus with Johnny Depp and Burton and Johnny make a vampire movie together ! May I still what do and it comes true? And at the games Fable3 and Silent Hill - Shattered Memories . To which I am eager to advertise because of the innovative gameplay what there. I do not think the yes that is so overwhelming now, but a game that tries to find the individually matched up to the ultimate opponent? That's even a goal! This is irritating but to play alone to find out What am I probably the most scared ......

Wa. But now I have a lot of unimportant stuff written XDDDD
well then I wish you have good ne night (though I do not think the one here right now still reading ...) and beautiful Rest-Ferien!

(übrigens meine Schwester is ne Verräterin, sie hat sich Resident Evil 5 gekauft..brrr...verzeihe es ihr oh wunderbares Silent Hill XDD)

Gute Nacht!


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