Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waterproof Blanket Canada

zhaginta @ 2010-01-13T21: 14:00

In memory of family and friends who have lost the battle with cancer; and in support of the ones who continue to conquer it! Post this on your LJ if you know someone who has or had cancer. 93% won't copy and paste this. Will you?

There´s a friend of mine in my choir, she sang the same voice. She is nearly 65. At the beginning of 2009 she was told that she had breast cancer. But she took the challenge and fought her illness. She made the chemotherapy and she defeated the cancer. She was so happy, wenn she had her last chemotherapy and she wanted to start her life new. Her hair grew again. Three weeks ago, the doctors found cancer in her brain and her lungs, it´s irreparable. She´s lying in the hospital and she is dying. Everybody, including her thought, she won the fight, but it was a bad mistake.
I know so many, who had cancer, and many of them died. I feel helpless, when I see, that the diagnosis "cancer" can destroy lifes and every hope in a few seconds. And there is no protection against it ...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Quadriderm For Stretch Mark


order time to show some of my pictures ... XD ne but I still practice at the moment I draw better on paper still 1000 times -_-

The two are in my heart because this is a wonderfully strange drawing style, I think, because I'm proud of it ....

Bah, now I am but still!

Calculate Annealing Temperature Pcr

New Year and so

man, so I am long but can not bring in here to write something ... that would have had to tell non-I do not ... Holidays habsch survived well ^ - ^ get some books, games and crafts lichen in the last 9 weeks read and new friendships XD interest to you, I suppose ....-____-

also AAAB chchch new plans. As First of all I've browsed organized by the concert plans in the new year and carpools. 69 Eyes, Lacuna Coil, Saltatio Mortis , Aesthetic Perfection and the Deathstars (^ u ^ again ) are on HAHAHA Then I rejoice!

NEN belongings still very modest attempt at deco late started:

And a few new pictures at Tegaki painted, sometimes with the tabloid that I get along better ... would like to link wern brilliant side (my only non-brilliant pictures XD), which can even check with me .. Anyone who has

mal fürs nächste Weihnachten plant dem leg ich den mittelalterlichen Weihnachtsmarkt in Telgte ans Herz. Jedes Adventswochenende kann man sich da mit Leckereien den Bauch vollschlagen, sich mit Fellen, Gewandungen, Waffen und Wein eindecken und mittelalterliche Musik und Feuerspektakel bewundern. Und das Beste: Wenn einem kalt wird stehen überall Lagerfeuer zum sich Aufwärmen bereit. Richtig kuschelig mit Bänken drum wo man sich wiederbeleben und mit den Mitsitzenden in Kontakt kommen kann, wenn man will. Aber nötig war das Feuer auch dieses Jahr! Ich war schon ziemlich warm angezogen und musste mich trotzdem ein paar mal wiederbeleben...-_-
Richtig tolle Atmosphäre and 50% of the people there were dressed (dressed medieval) and a further 30% were Goths höhö I'm very at home because I felt ... hm .. and the sellers were all very nice and helpful .. yes

This year is the Year of the Tiger HAHA MY YEAR IS FINALLY COME! I hope it, otherwise the whole thing so no benefit. But it starts great, I want my these great movies .. ^ ^ Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton, The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus with Johnny Depp and Burton and Johnny make a vampire movie together ! May I still what do and it comes true? And at the games Fable3 and Silent Hill - Shattered Memories . To which I am eager to advertise because of the innovative gameplay what there. I do not think the yes that is so overwhelming now, but a game that tries to find the individually matched up to the ultimate opponent? That's even a goal! This is irritating but to play alone to find out What am I probably the most scared ......

Wa. But now I have a lot of unimportant stuff written XDDDD
well then I wish you have good ne night (though I do not think the one here right now still reading ...) and beautiful Rest-Ferien!

(übrigens meine Schwester is ne Verräterin, sie hat sich Resident Evil 5 gekauft..brrr...verzeihe es ihr oh wunderbares Silent Hill XDD)

Gute Nacht!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Who's Hotter Than Denise Milani

明けまし て おめでとうございます

Happy New Year, dear ones!
明けまし て おめでとうございます!, As they say here.

My new year was just a bit earlier than your ...
I wanted to write mails by mobile phone to all their email address I got on the phone, but as of midnight, the network was so crowded that I could send nothing at all ^ ^''

And to be honest be ... New Year's was not as great as I had expected and certainly not nearly as great as you have presented it to you apparently.
Maybe because my family (like my German family) it is always like a bit more quiet ... Anyway, there is not much to tell.
My host dad was not even there, it's like this to go to bed at 9. The first person I know who has slept through the New Year
Oo I did not find it bad, it was quite comfortable, but I had it to me somehow a bit ... presented greater.

Am 31.12. we ate at my Gastoma Neujahrssoba (soba are buckwheat noodles), has tasted pretty good. Tomo and Momo (my host brothers and sisters) but have eaten rice, because they do not stand a single day without the normal white rice ^ ^
In the night we have not done much ... We have set ourselves the living room and watched the countdown on TV.
Then it was midnight, Hurray, Hurray, and then we went to sleep. Oo New Year's Eve?
is the next day my family went to this early morning religion thing (but not traditional, as they have told me), but they thought that I could sleep, it would be better if I do not would come along, because it's pretty boring and nothing that interested exchange students.
Well, I thought and I hold a long sleep. Afterwards we all went back to my Gastoma (she lives on only 3 corners) and ate even more traditional. As I said, my Gastoma manages to cook more traditional than my family, so I'm sometimes a few problems. But there was this soup with Omochi (a thick mixture of mashed rice) and tofu and was really nice \u0026lt;3 So I have got the stomach just crammed with Omochi. Then we went to
are karaoke. Yay!
sung so much I want my voice on the end has become very high and I krächzig Sounds of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" have not done ^ ^ '"99 Luftballons" was, as always best to know the fact and they all marvel at all that I can sing (omg, how difficult, it is German) and look forward to.
So, New Year was not particularly exciting, but I still had a lot of fun and that's the important thing, right?

On 2 we went to the house of the brother of my host mom, remember more about it? The family with the sugar-sweet children.
Large family gatherings, but it was so funny and has so much fun done! Everyone was very nice to me and we talked a lot and played with the children, etc.
That was a beautiful day and festive than Christmas.

Japanese children do not get as many presents for Christmas, but money for the New Year, in a small envelope.
This is in my family so, and to my surprise even I've got something.
had this I never expected, I knew that you can get money, but I had assumed that I, as an exchange student get nothing. Well, I did get something from my host family, two gas Tomas, host and guest uncle great-uncle. On 2 have I host my uncle the second time and met my host uncle for the first time and I was quite surprised that as I get the same money as everyone else and not just a little. I did not know how should I respond, so I like to extend heartfelt thanks and that's it.
Overall, there was quite came together. So I had not expected. But I know what I do with the money ^ ^

Yes, and yesterday I went with Asya one more time to Shibuya. New Year Sale is everywhere, because all the money got. Shibuya was totally full and the 109 (a famous department store) was incredibly stressful. The corridors of the 109 are quite narrow (Japan -.-) and it was packed and totally loud, because at each shop, the sellers were on small Leiterchen or stools (which they use in stores accessible to the upper shelves to ) come and have shouted from his lungs. "Oooooooff 50%", "4000yeeeeeeen" SUPER loud, everyone wanted to be louder than the shop next door, and all very very loud music, different in every shop, which then mixes have when you was in progress, where to go anyway, could hardly, because it was so full. Speaking was difficult, one can not understand, yes. Some shops had to queue even get in at all.
Each store would be the loudest ("IRAAASSHAIMASEEEEE") and the most striking thing (creepy feathers on the eyelids of the sellers).
My dad would have died because of it.
It was exhausting, but sometimes an experience that is 109 to experience more alive than it is on normal days. It
Sale was everywhere, but we asked ourselves if it is not a sale, perhaps, and they only try to sell more, by saying it's sale. Because it was still very very expensive. All Brand in 109 -.-
And Lucky packs were everywhere, I did that was by Liz Lisa, because namely, a dress, a jacket and a T-shirt in it and all in a really cute bag for 5000yen. Normally, only the bag is 7000yen. Well, Liz Lisa's Lucky Pack was sold out by 1 pm already and yesterday was the first day, have to open the shops in Shibuya again. Great.
But we still had a lot of fun, I discover and Asya more things we have in common and shopping fun with it.

Only 4 days vacation and I've caught a cold again. Always on holiday, super ... na
My nose dripped all day yesterday and ruined my make-up.
I hope I feel better by tomorrow, I would like to use my vacation a bit. I want to go to Shinjuku and see if have the Lolita brands again Lucky Pack. If so, then I want one of Emily Temple Cute! I'm so yesterday in the 109 bought none. The Lucky Packs are the only really cheap at the sale.

Well, watch out for you, all love
