Friday, October 29, 2010

How To Get Tyre Marks Off Driveway

colour_ize_nox @ 2010-10-29T19: 13:00

Preparing for Halloween!

I love this festival, even though I never really do what ... this time there will be the usual sweet-eating spiders and bats and newly created Halloween CDs and a friend of the frightful allowed to play for the first time in his life Silent Hill XD Then the desired atmosphere there. (^-^) And maybe a horror movie ...
addition to the whole heart-love-family events it's nice sometimes to have a day where participants are celebrating this brilliant dark mood

Halloween Rock CD Track List:.

1 . Marilyn Manson (Nightmare Revisited OST) - This is Halloween
second Miyavi - Shokubutsu Ningen M no Theme
third Miguel and the Living Dead - Batcave
4th Zombie Ghost Train - Teddy Boy Boogie
5th Demented Are Go - BeBop A Loola
6th Miguel and the Living Dead - Witchcraft Specimen
7th Stark - Recreational Flesh Abuse
8th Coil - Loves Secret Domain
9th Goblin - School At Night
- Bonus: Joe Romersa (SH3 OST) - Home Town -

The Ambience CD consists mainly of OST of games and films (Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Silent Hill, Fable1 & 2, Left4Dead2 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theme, Sleepy Hollow, Mesmer, ....) and a lot of other music is still so ready XD Maybe so here is one of you found something for my holidays if you celebrate.

Do you like Halloween at all? Celebrates her?

Up denne \\ (^ o ^) / ............ lagom

Friday, October 22, 2010

Italian Driver License .jpg


hey hey,
've not so long more reported ...(-__-) '
finished Uni so XD pick up next week the final product. 've Had plans to apply for next year .. so this year and will probably work part until then. As far as my career at the moment XP

Have Enslaved on hard by, and soon all the Achievements höhö am an achievement-hunter. Great game. So good story, good gameplay, graphics are ok, Design concept is great and the voices in English are also really good. Especially the facial expressions are well done, the characters seem completely real! ... Only the game is very demanding and hard to provide cause for frustration moments that we might have avoided. Whereby the developers were already nice and give some things even a really ..

aaand I do not have to leave. Yes, yes. I wanted only two Dolls actually. A boy and a girl. So I after can design your hearts content and style and photograph ... Well, but I can never really get used to the girls. It is just more woman than girl with big breasts and stuff. I did not own a large bosom, I design something for not ... Oo and fake big eyes, she actually has it. So cute she is so well otherwise.
But I have now, after I rumgeguckt (for my mother XDD) I made friends with the idea of a smaller buy with small breasts. Already had made the sighting .... and then I saw the new limited JID Asa of Iplehouse ! This was as my boys love at first sight! (And she looks so much more genuine than my girl .....(* u *)
I've ordered directly on layaway because I was so afraid ne had that is sold out when the money gets to paypal ..(>.\u0026lt;) But I now receive a reply from Iplehouse and everything is ok and I'm then in about two months (= w = ) LOVE
was already mentally the bare minimum of accessories, shoes and clothes now XD At least I do not even shoes can make (-_-)

much text and many emoticons ya ... lagom (^-^)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dentist In Minnesota With Payment Plans


Wish me tomorrow our fingers crossed! I write my first review ... bibber ...